D - E
- Day Fever: fever lasting one day; sweating sickness
- Debility: lack of movement or staying in bed
- Decrepitude: feebleness due to old age
- Delirium tremens: hallucinations due to alchoholism
- Dengue: infectious fever endemic to East Africa
- Dentition: cutting of teeth
- Deplumation: tumor of the eyelids which causes hair loss
- Diary Fever: fever that lasts one day
- Diptheria: contagious disease of the throat
- Distemper: usually animal disease with malaise, discharge from nose and throat, anorexia
- Dock Fever: Yellow Fever
- Dropsy: edema (swelling), often caused by kidney or heart disease
- Dropsy of the Brain: Encephalitis
- Dry Bellyache: lead poisoning
- Dyscrasy: abnormal body condition
- Dysentery: inflamation of colon with frequent passage
- Dysorexy: reduced appetite of mucous and blood
- Dyspepsia: indigestion and heartburn; heart attack symptoms
- Dysury: difficulty in urination
- Eclampsy: symptoms of epilepsy; convulsions during labor
- Ecstasy: form of catalepsy characterized by loss of reason
- Edema: nephrosis; swelling of tissues
- Edema of Lungs: congestive heart failure, form of dropsy
- Eel Thing: erysipelas
- Elephantiasis: form of leprosy
- Encephalitis: swelling of brain; sleeping sickness
- Enteric Fever: Typhoid Fever
- Enterocolitis: inflamation of the intestines
- Enteritis: inflamationof the bowels
- Epitaxis: nose bleed
- Erysipelas: contagious skin disease, due to Streptococci with vesicular and bulbous lesions
- Extravasted Blood: rupture of a blood vessel
Source: Provided by Dan Burrows