A - B
- Ablepsy: blindness
- Ague: malarial fever
- American Plague: yellow fever
- Anasarca: generalized massive edema
- Aphonia: laryngitis
- Aphtha: infant disease "thrush"
- Apoplexy: paralysis due to stroke
- Asphycsia/Asphicsia: cyanotic and lack of oxygen
- Atrophy: wasting away or diminishing in size
- Bad Blood: syphilis
- Bilious Fever: typhoid, malaria, hepatitis or elevated temperature and bile emesis
- Biliousness: jaundice associated with liver disease
- Black Fever: acute infection with high temperature and dark red skin lesions and high mortality rate.
- Black Plague: bubonic plague
- Black Pox: black small pox
- Black Vomit: vomiting old black blood due to ulcers or yellow fever
- Blackwater Fever: dark urine associated with high temperature
- Bladder in Throat: diphtheria
- Blood Poisoning: bacterial infection; septicemia
- Bloody Flux: bloody stools
- Bloody Sweat: sweating sickness
- Bone Shave: sciatica
- Brain Fever: meningitis
- Breakbone: dengue fever
- Bright's Disease: chronic inflamatory disease of kidneys
- Bronze John: yellow fever
- Bule: boil, tumor or swelling
Source: Provided by Dan Burrows