American History & Genealogy Project


  • Gazetteer - a geographical dictionary; a book giving names and descriptions of places usually in alphabetical order.
  • Gentleman - a man well born.
  • Given Name - name given to a person at birth or baptism, one's first and middle names.
  • Glebe - land belonging to a parish church.
  • Grantee - one who buys property or receives a grant.
  • Grantor - one who sells property or makes a grant.
  • Guardian - person appointed to care for and manage property of a minor orphan or an adult incompetent of managing his own affairs.
  • Heirs - those entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit property from another.
  • Holographic Will - one written entirely in the testator's own handwriting.
  • Illegitimate - born to a mother who was not married to the child's father.
  • Immigrant - one moving into a country from another.
  • Indentured Servant - one who bound himself into service of another person for a specified number of years, often in return for transportation to a country.
  • Instant - of or pertaining to the current month; abbreviated inst.
  • Intestate - one who dies without a will or dying without a will.
  • Inventory - an account, catalog or schedule, made by an executor or administrator of all the goods and chattels and sometimes of the real estate of a deceased person.
  • Issue - offspring; children; lineal descendants of a common ancestor.
  • Late - recently deceased.
  • Lease - an agreement which creates a landlord - tenant situation.
  • Legacy - property or money left to someone in a will.
  • Lien - a claim against property as security for payment of a debt.
  • Lineage - ancestry; direct descent from a specific ancestor.
  • Lineal - consisting of or being in a direct line of ancestry or descendants; descended in a direct line.
  • Lis Pendens - pending court action; usually applies to land title claims.
  • Lodge - a chapter or meeting hall of a fraternal organization.

Source: Provided by Dan Burrows.

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