American History & Genealogy Project


  • Abstract - summary of important points of a given text, especially deeds and wills.
  • Administration (of estate) - the collection, management and distribution of an estate by proper legal process.
  • Administrator (of estate) - person appointed to manage or divide the estate of a deceased person.
  • Administratrix - a female administrator.
  • Affidavit - a statement in writing, sworn to before proper authority.
  • Alien - foreigner.
  • Ancestor - a person from whom you are descended; a forefather.
  • Ante - Latin prefix meaning before.
  • Apprentice - one who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement or by any means to serve another person for a certain time, with a view of learning an art or trade.
  • Appurtenance - that which belongs to something else such as a building, orchard, right of way, etc.
  • Archives - records of a government, organization, institution; the place where records are stored.
  • Attest - to affirm; to certify by signature or oath.
  • Banns - public announcement of intended marriage.
  • Beneficiary - one who receives benefit of trust or property.
  • Bequeath - to give personal property to a person in a will. 
  • Bond - written, signed, witnessed agreement requiring payment of a specified amount of money on or before a given date.
  • Bounty Land Warrant - a right to obtain land, specific number of acres of unallocated public land, granted for military service.
  • Census - official enumeration, listing or counting of citizens.
  • Certified Copy - a copy made and attested to by officers having charge of the original and authorized to give copies.
  • Chattel - personal property which can include animate as well as inanimate properties.
  • Christen - to receive or initiate into the visible church by baptism; to name at baptism; to give a name to.
  • Circa - about, near, or approximate - usually referring to a date.
  • Codicil - addition to a will.
  • Collateral Ancestor - belonging to the same ancestral stock but not in direct line of descent; opposed to lineal such as aunts, uncles & cousins. 
  • Common Ancestor - ancestor shared by any two people.
  • Consanguinity - blood relationship.
  • Consort - usually, a wife whose husband is living.
  • Conveyance - see deed.
  • Deceased - dead.
  • Decedent - a deceased person.
  • Declaration of Intention - first paper, sworn to and filed in court, by an alien stating that he wants to become a citizen.
  • Deed - a document by which title in real property is transferred from one party to another.
  • Deposition - a testifying or testimony taken down in writing under oath of affirmation in reply to interrogatories, before a competent officer to replace the oral testimony of a witness.
  • Devise - gift of real property by will.
  • Devisee - one to whom real property (land) is given in a will.
  • Devisor - one who gives real property in a will.
  • District Land Office Plat Book - books or rather maps which show the location of the land patentee.
  • District Land Office Tract Book - books which list individual entries by range and township.
  • Dower - legal right or share which a wife acquired by marriage in the real estate of her husband, allotted to her after his death for her lifetime.
  • Emigrant - one leaving a country and moving to another.
  • Enumeration - listing or counting , such as a census.
  • Epitaph - an inscription on or at a tomb or grave in memory of the one buried there.
  • Escheat - the reversion of property to the state when there are no qualified heirs.
  • Estate - all property and debts belonging to a person.
  • Et Al - Latin for "and others".
  • Et Ux - Latin for "and wife".
  • Executor - one appointed in a will to carry out its provisions. 
  • Fee - an estate of inheritance in land, being either fee simple or fee tail. An estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services.
  • Fee Simple - an absolute ownership without restriction.
  • Fee Tail - An estate of inheritance limited to lineal descendant heirs of a person to whom it was granted.
  • Fraternity - group of men (or women) sharing a common purpose or interest.
  • Free Hold - an estate in fee simple, in fee tail, or for life.
  • Gazetteer - a geographical dictionary; a book giving names and descriptions of places usually in alphabetical order.
  • Gentleman - a man well born.
  • Given Name - name given to a person at birth or baptism, one's first and middle names.
  • Glebe - land belonging to a parish church.
  • Grantee - one who buys property or receives a grant.
  • Grantor - one who sells property or makes a grant.
  • Guardian - person appointed to care for and manage property of a minor orphan or an adult incompetent of managing his own affairs.
  • Heirs - those entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit property from another.
  • Holographic Will - one written entirely in the testator's own handwriting.
  • Illegitimate - born to a mother who was not married to the child's father.
  • Immigrant - one moving into a country from another.
  • Indentured Servant - one who bound himself into service of another person for a specified number of years, often in return for transportation to a country.
  • Instant - of or pertaining to the current month; abbreviated inst.
  • Intestate - one who dies without a will or dying without a will.
  • Inventory - an account, catalog or schedule, made by an executor or administrator of all the goods and chattels and sometimes of the real estate of a deceased person.
  • Issue - offspring; children; lineal descendants of a common ancestor.
  • Late - recently deceased.
  • Lease - an agreement which creates a landlord - tenant situation.
  • Legacy - property or money left to someone in a will.
  • Lien - a claim against property as security for payment of a debt.
  • Lineage - ancestry; direct descent from a specific ancestor.
  • Lineal - consisting of or being in a direct line of ancestry or descendants; descended in a direct line.
  • Lis Pendens - pending court action; usually applies to land title claims.
  • Lodge - a chapter or meeting hall of a fraternal organization.
  • Maiden Name - a girl's last name or surname before she marries.
  • Manuscript - a composition written with the hand as an ancient book or a non-printed modern book or music.
  • Marriage Bond - a financial guarantee that no impediment to the marriage existed, furnished by the intended bridegroom or by his friends.
  • Maternal - related through one's mother.
  • Messuage - a dwelling house.
  • Metes & Bounds - property described by natural boundaries, such as 3 notches in a white oak tree, etc.
  • Microfiche - sheet of microfilm with greatly reduced images of pages of documents.
  • Microfilm - reproduction of documents on film at reduced size.
  • Migrant - person who moves from place to place, usually in search of work.
  • Migrate - to move from one country or state or region to another.
  • Militia - citizens of a state who are not part of the national military forces but who can be called into military service in an emergency; a citizen army, apart from the regular military forces.
  • Minor - one who is under legal age; not yet a legal adult.
  • Mister - in early times, a title of respect given only to those who held important civil officer or who were of gentle blood.
  • Moiety - a half; an indefinite portion.
  • Mortality - death; death rate.
  • Mortality Schedules - enumeration of persons who died during the year prior to June 1 of 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 in each state of the United States, conducted by the bureau of census.
  • Mortgage - a conditional transfer of title to real property as security for payment of a debt.
  • Namesake - person named after another person.
  • Necrology - listing or record of persons who have died recently.
  • Nee - used to identify a woman's maiden name; born with the surname of.
  • Noncupative Will - one declared or dictated by the testator, usually for persons in last sickness, sudden illness, or military.
  • Orphan - child whose parents are dead; sometimes, a child who has lost one parent by death.
  • Orphan's Court - orphans being recognized as wards of the states, provisions were made for them in special courts.
  • Passenger List - a ships list of passengers, usually referring to those ships arriving in the US or Canada, from Europe.
  • Patent - grant of land from a government to an individual.
  • Paternal - related to one's father. 
  • Patriot - one who loves his country and supports its interests.
  • Pedigree - family tree; ancestry.
  • Pension - money paid regularly to an individual, especially by a government as reward for military service during wartime or upon retirement from government service.
  • Pensioner - one who receives a pension.
  • Poll - list or record of persons, especially for taxing or voting.
  • Post - prefix meaning after.
  • Posterity - descendants; those who come after.
  • Power of Attorney - when a person is unable to act for himself, he appoints another to act in his behalf.
  • Pre - prefix meaning before.
  • Probate - having to do with wills and the administration of estates.
  • Progenitor - a direct ancestor.
  • Progeny - descendants of a common ancestor; issue.
  • Proved Will - a will established as genuine by probate court.
  • Provost - a person appointed to superintend, or preside over something.
  • Proximo - in the following month; in the month after the present one.
  • Public Domain - land owned by the government.
  • Quitclaim - a deed conveying the interest of the party at that time.
  • Rector - a clergyman.
  • Relict - widow; surviving spouse when one has died, husband or wife.
  • Sic - Latin meaning thus; copied exactly as the original reads.
  • Spinster - a woman still unmarried.
  • Sponsor - a bondsman; surety.
  • Statute - law.
  • Surname - family name or last name.
  • Territory - area of land owned by a country, not a state or province, but having its own legislature and governor.
  • Testamentary - pertaining to a will.
  • Testate - a person who dies leaving a valid will.
  • Testator - a person who makes a valid will before his death.
  • Tithable - taxable.
  • Tithe - formerly, money due as a tax for support of the clergy or church.
  • Township - a division of U.S. public land that contained 36 sections, or 36 square miles. 
  • Tradition - the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, genealogies, etc. from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth.
  • Transcribe - to make a copy in writing.
  • Ultimo - in the month before this one; abbreviated ult.
  • Verbatim - word for word; in the same words, verbally.
  • Vital Records - records of birth, death, marriage or divorce.
  • Vital Statistics - data dealing with birth, death, marriage or divorce.
  • Ward - chiefly the division of a city for election purposes.
  • Will - document declaring how a person wants his property divided after his death.
  • Witness - one who is present at a transaction, such as a sale of land or signing of a will, who can testify or affirm that it actually took place.
  • Yeoman - A servant or attendant; a subordinate of a sheriff; an independent farmer. 

Source: Provided by Dan Burrows.